Cheong Ann Watch Maker
"Cheong Ann Watch Maker 昌安鐘錶", 2021
Enamel paint on Bamboo Blinds
400cm x 450cm
Display: @Cheong Ann Watch Maker
Two Men Bagel House
“If only all walls are made out of glass” depicts by the idea of an open mind. A space where there is no barrier and separation;
where the things around us are transparent and transpicuous.
The glass walls acts as a metaphor of being to see everything and by the need to feel connected - not just in our own world, but also allowing others in ours. By incorporating plants to our space, it creates a sense of familiarity and welcoming in a home or a public space.
For the artist, time is a space for memory and our memories are always ended up being vague. By juxtaposing through the exploration of using different palette knives, he has created a subtle depth between the past and present; the perfect and the imperfection. Though, he questions the human desire to capture, remember and share past memories, to what extent are all these accurate?
Well, this is how the artist once remembered how the place used to make him feel.
The mind forgets, but the heart always remembers.